When an English TV crew turn up in a sleepy Gascon town to film an episode of “Brits B&B abroad”, they find themselves in the midst of the World Duck Quack Imitation contest. The local English Theatre Company’s rendition of a Monty Python sketch on stage at this event sparks off a sequence of events with far reaching consequences involving small island communities in the Caribbean sea and the Pacific Ocean as well as incurring the wrath of the town’s evil Mayoress.
An hilarious romp through South West France involving competing B&Bs, duck quacking, sex toys, the storm of the Century and the reunion concert of a heavy cult rock band from the 1980s.
A week in Gascony with a heavy cult soundtrack.
A silly book by Nick Collinson with many characters, and a lot of them have two names.
Read the preface and Chapter One:
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